
Living In Pyramid Land (Part 3)

The first pillar to keep control over the sheer mass of residents is a well-directed mixture of stultification and breaking-in of quite specific basic knowledge, sufficient to perform simple jobs efficiently with maximum output - 'bottomers' must function properly. Whether they do repetitive tasks to keep industrial production lines running or if they are deployed for a variety of other unchallenging jobs, real education might hinder them to smoothly do whatever is required. Hence, education and knowledge grows from the lowest Pyramid Segment to the highest. While low education perfectly matches bottom level requirements, tasks one level above cannot be handled without slightly enhanced background. Requirements, and therefore education levels, as well, grow from level to level.

The second pillar is to divide all residents of the bottom level into uncountable fractions. Be it the outfit, preferred music, favourite sports, political views or whatever else - the more individuals are split into concurrent fractions, the easier they are to control. As long as they fight each other, they are busy with their chosen enemies and will not question the Pyramid's law and order. As a matter of fact, spreading rumours is more efficient than demonstrating physical presence. It is quite easy to infest some resident's minds with unproven 'facts' about whatever. Those 'well informed' whistle-blowers will enrich the bogus message with fantastic backgrounds and pass their 'secrets' to others, whether they want to hear it or not. It probably takes less than a day until everyone knows the 'truth' about the 'facts' we injected.

The third pillar is observation to gather as much data as possible about each resident. Whether incoming data are relevant or not, they are collected in gigantic databases. The purpose of gathering data is to create a detailed profile of each individual. A detailed profile is an excellent tool to control someone. The more facts we know about each person, the easier those persons can be controlled. That's the reason why companies like microsoft or google (and institutions like the NSA...) gather all data they can get. The more data, the better the profile of a person. The better the profile describes the person, the better we can control her/him.

To be continued...

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